Network Penetration test – Pen test

Network Penetration test – Pen test

Vulnerability scanning identifies a wide range of vulnerabilities and misconfigurations in your network environment. This is usually done using a scan tool. In contrast, in a Network Penetration test (Pen test), the security expert uses one or more vulnerabilities to prove that an attacker or hacker can exploit it and gain access to the company's resources.

Penetration testing in a network environment is the process of simulating attacks against a network and its systems at the request of the owner, senior management, or a regulatory requirement under PCI-DSS, ISO27001, etc. Penetration testing uses a set of procedures and tools designed to test and possibly bypass your system's security controls.

Its purpose is to measure the organization's level of resilience against attack and reveal any weaknesses in the environment. Organizations must determine the effectiveness of their security measures and not simply trust the promises of information security vendors. Good computer security is based on reality, not some guesswork or vague prices about how things should work. That is why we recommend the frequent implementation of penetration tests in a network environment.

A penetration test emulates the same methods attackers would use. Attackers can be clever, creative, and resourceful in their techniques, so penetration attacks must be in line with the latest hacking techniques along with strong foundational testing methods.

Penetration tests can evaluate web servers, Domain Name System (DNS) servers, router configurations, workstation vulnerabilities, access to sensitive information, servers and network infrastructure, dial-up remote access, open ports, and properties of available services that a real hacker can use to compromise overall company security.

Some tests can be quite intrusive and disruptive and even disrupt business processes. The timeframe for the tests should be pre-agreed so that business processes, performance are not affected and staff can bring systems back online if necessary.

When performing a penetration test in a network environment, the team goes through a five-step process:

  1. Discovery phase - Discovery and gathering of information about the target. (Discovery phase)
  2. Enumeration - Perform port scanning and resource identification methods. (Enumeration scan)
  3. Mapping vulnerabilities (Vulnerability scanning) - Identification of vulnerabilities in identified systems and resources (Vulnerability mapping)
  4. Exploitation phase - Attempt to gain unauthorized access by exploiting vulnerabilities (Exploitation)
  5. Management report - Provide Management Report with test findings, scale rating, along with proposed countermeasures. (Management report)

Depending on the different degrees of familiarity with the environment listed below, the testing team may have different goals and scenarios agreed upon with management prior to actually performing the penetration.

What are Black Box, Gray Box and White Box Penetration Testing?

Pentest tasks are classified based on the level of knowledge and access provided to the pen tester at the start of the task. The spectrum ranges from black box testing, where the tester is given minimal knowledge of the target system, to white box testing, where the tester is given a high level of knowledge and access. This spectrum of knowledge makes different testing methodologies ideal for different situations. Gray box pen test typically has some knowledge of the internals of the network, potentially including design documentation, environment architecture, and an internal network account.

  • Black box
  • Grey box
  • White box

Tests can be conducted externally (from a remote location) or internally (meaning the tester is logically on the network). Both test types should be performed to understand the threats on each potential attack vector – be it internal or external.

РThe result of a network penetration test is a report provided to management that describes the vulnerabilities identified and the severity of those vulnerabilities, along with suggestions on how to properly address them. From there, it's up to management to determine how to handle vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, and what countermeasures will be implemented.

Why should you trust us and what makes ISCS different from other companies on the market?

When outsourcing a pen test, it's important to make sure the company has the necessary expertise to not only detect a wide range of vulnerabilities, but also provide the help you need to fix them as quickly and effectively as possible.

ISCS provides comprehensive testing programs to meet your business needs. Our experts help organizations across a range of industries uncover and address complex vulnerabilities in their internal and external infrastructure, wireless networks, web applications, mobile applications, network builds and configurations, and more.

Providing the Network Penetration test (Pen test) service is only the beginning of your better information security management. Cybersecurity is based on constant, regular efforts, and effective application of the basic principles of information security. We have the necessary many years of experience, as well as the necessary certificates for the provision of a quality, efficient and reliable service. Take advantage of our expertise and understand what your vulnerabilities, misconfigurations and breach opportunities are in the middleware layer or web applications.

If you need more information, contact us using the contact form.